How to fulfill minimum credit requirements for Master's in 2025

Photo illustrating the news item

The credit recognition procedure is required by Hungarian Law for every MA/MSc/MBA programme. You need to have a certain amount of completed credits from your undergraduate degree that are relevant to the programme you are applying to at Corvinus University. Every Corvinus programme has unique credit requirements. Minimum requirements can range from 5-50 ECTS, depending on your chosen programme.

IMPORTANT: The credit recognition forms are only templates and only purpose is to guide you. Forms can be found here.

As you have probably noticed, credit requirements are stated in ECTS (the European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System) – the system used in Hungary. The Hungarian authorities recognise approximately 30 learning hours as 1 ECTS. Therefore, the first step when preparing your credit recognition request is to estimate your total credits in ECTS if you have studied in a country that uses a different credit system.

1. Estimate your credits in ECTS

IMPORTANT: In the form for your chosen Corvinus programme, there are compulsory ECTS requirements for various subject areas. If you do not meet these requirements, you will not be admitted.

You will need to calculate the correct value (in ECTS) by establishing your total learning hours, which should include teaching hours, private study hours, and assessments, and dividing the total by 30. Your current/previous university will be able to provide you with learning hours for modules or courses completed in your programme. If this is not stated in your academic transcript, request a “programme specification” or individual “module specification(s)”. You should not make this calculation based off your best estimation of time spent.

There are two methods of how you can calculate your credits in ECTS, instuctions for which are available here. It may also be helpful to keep in mind that one year of full-time academic study in Europe is 60 ECTS. So, if you’ve completed 10 modules in a year and they are all equally weighted, each module might be worth around 6 ECTS. If you’ve completed 20 modules in a year and they are equally weighted, a module could be worth 3 ECTS, etc.

2. Match up the courses you completed with the subject areas in the form

Write the subject name you completed as part of your BA/BSc in the corresponding subject area field in the recognition form. Then add your calculated ECTS score for the module and the grade you received (based on your transcripts).

3. Reach (at least) the minimum credit requirement

After converting your learning hours into the ECTS and matching the courses you took during your undergraduate programme, the total amount of your ECTS should be higher than the minimum credit requirement and/or equal to the maximum credit requirement amount written at the top of the form you are completing.

IMPORTANT: In some cases, applicants meet the minimum credit requirements, but not the maximum requirements for the programme. If this applies to you, you will be asked to complete “catch-up courses” in your first two semesters whilst studying at Corvinus. Do not worry, this is common, many students have catch-up courses, but it will mean extra work for you in the short term.

– The Admission Team

13 Jan 2025